Hi Everyone!

This is the second project of the Coursera Video Game Development Course : Game Design and Development 2 : 2D Platformer. 

I have included several extension of the original project and I'm proud of what I came up with.  Here are some of the extensions I have been able to implement: 

- Complete change of the Main character. Both Sprites and Animations.

- Big changes to the UI and Menus and also the game now gives the player more feedback about what's happening. Some of them are visual, some of them are audial.

- New enemy design. The flying enemy now targets the player and fires projectiles. It has its own tracking system and projectiles are also implemented in a way that they explode and damage the player. 

- The player has extra mechanic. Attacking. Normally the game didn't have these. 

- Extra sounds for many things. Attacks, Missiles, Enemy sounds etc. 

I'm planning to update the game in the future so any feedback regarding the changes or any drawbacks the game might have is welcome. Any criticism about the game is welcome. Thank you for taking the time to play the game^^



PC Build v2.02.zip 42 MB


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Nicely done, some edges are unstable and ending a little bir weird but i like it. It hooks!

Thanks for the feedback mate! I'm sure there are a lot of instability within the game :D but good to hear them

Great work, very well put together game, featuring all the elements that make it a polished and captivating experience. From the menu to the informative tutorial, awesome sound effects and music, every aspect is meticulously crafted. The variety of enemies and the different ways to defeat them add excitement and keep the player engaged. Keep up the good work, mate!

Thanks a bunch mate! Will do^^